EUMEPLAT in the media

12 February 2024

In an article on Varna24 entitled “Проф. Десислава Бошнакова: “Противно на името им, социалните мрежи с времето се оказаха антисоциални и комерсиални”” (Prof. Desislava Boshnakova: “Contrary to their name, social networks over time turned out to be anti-social and commercial”), Dessislava Boshnakova and Stoyko Petkov from the New Bulgarian University presented some of the findings about the EUMEPLAT project applied to the Bulgarian context.

You can read the article (in Bulgarian) here.

12 February 2024

Justine Toms from the New Bulgarian University keep on promoting the EUMEPLAT outcomes on video production and consumption and the resulting policy recommendations in this interview to Euronews Bulgaria entitled “Как стрийминг платформите да имат повече национално съдържание?” (How can streaming platforms have more national content?).

You can listen to the interview (in Bulgarian) here.

2 February 2024

Interviewed by Daniel Nenchev from Radio Bulgaria, Justine Toms and Dessislava Boshnakova from the New Bulgarian University anticipated some of the policy recommendations resulting from the EUMEPLAT project, and in particular the need for a stronger presence of national contents and productions on the streaming platforms.

You can listen to the interview (in Bulgarian) here.

27 January 2024

Professor Stylianos Papathanassopoulos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens was a guest in the radio program “Faces of the week” presented by Mina Ralli and aired on the Greek radio channel Voice of Greece.

The interview focused on the evolution of media in the last 30 years and the role of public service media and of social media in Greece and beyond.

You can listen to the interview (in Greek) here.

9 November 2023

Justine Toms from the New Bulgarian University intervened in the Bulgarian National Television programme “Още нещо с Флора (One More Thing with Flora)“, presenting, among others, the EUMEPLAT project and the research data, notably on social media platforms.

You can watch the interview (in Bulgarian) here.

Summary of the episode entitled “Съдебно дело срущу социалните мрежи (A lawsuit has taken social networks by storm)
The social networks “Instagram” and “Facebook” are dangerous for the mental health of children and are intentionally made to lead to addiction. This is what the attorneys general of 41 American states, who filed the largest lawsuit in the history of social networks against the company “Meta”. Are social networks dangerous?
We will look for the answer to this question now with Justine Toms, marketer, author, teacher.

2 November 2023

Professor Stylianos Papathanassopoulos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Professor Andrea Miconi from IULM University have been interviewed by Euronews Greece on “Συνέντευξη: Μπορούν τα ευρωπαϊκά ΜΜΕ να καλύψουν τις εν εξελίξει αλλαγές;” (Can the European media cover the ongoing changes?).

The interview was recorded on October 26, on the occasion of the presentation of the book “The Media Systems in Europe; Continuities and Discontinuities” edited by the two academics, and focuses on how the European media, currently facing a radical restructuring, can still provide reliable and timely news and information about the changes occuring in the world.

The book is available here and on the EUMEPLAT Community on Zenodo here.

You can watch the interview (in English) here.

2 October 2023

In the framework of the AMCAP (Association of Media Communication Academic Professional) Doctoral Spring School 2023, Professor Nico Carpentier from Charles University delivered a video lecture on the construction of Europe. Some of the EUMEPLAT research outcomes, and notably the semantic map on the concepts of Europeanity and Europeanization, created by the project research team combining literature reviews and a participatory approach through constant exchanges and workshops organised during the project.

You can watch the video lecture (in English) here.

To discover the semantic map, you can read the article “Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation. A Participatory Semantic Map Approach”. More information here.

27 September 2023

The press release by Charles University featuring the Czech research results from WP3 – Hegemony: Platformization of Video has been published by the Czech version of the European Journalism Observatory.

The article, entitled Normalizační komedie a evropské filmy. Výzkum ukázal, co Češi nejraději sledují na streamovacích platformách (Normalization comedies and European films. The research showed what Czechs like to watch most on streaming platforms) is available here (in Czech).

23 September 2023

Professor Stylianos Papathanassopoulos from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens gave an interview to Skai Radio to present the EUMEPLAT-branded book “The Media Systems in Europe; Continuities and Discontinuities” he edited with Professor Andrea Miconi from IULM University.

You can listen to the interview (in Greek) here.

The book is available here and on the EUMEPLAT Community on Zenodo here.

21 August 2023

The news outlet Protothema, counting 1,4 million readers in its digital edition, has issued an article devoted to the publication of the first EUMEPLAT-branded book “The Media Systems in Europe; Continuities and Discontinuities”, edited by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, and Andrea Miconi, EUMEPLAT principal investigator and Professor at IULM University.

The article Από την αναλογική στην ψηφιακή εποχή: Πώς έχουν αλλάξει τα μέσα ενημέρωσης τα τελευταία 30 χρόνια; (From analog to digital age: How has the media changed in the last 30 years?) is available in Greek here.

You can download the book here and on the EUMEPLAT Community on Zenodo here.

14 July 2023

The main findings from WP2-Fake News: Platformization of Journalism, with a special focus on the Facebook popularity of Czech far-right politician Tomio Okamura in the European context – produced by the Charles University team – are highlighted in the article Okamura je hlavním dezinformátorem v EU. Má největší dosah na sociálních sítích, ukázala analýza (Okamura is the chief disinformer in the EU. It has the greatest reach on social networks, the analysis showed), published by Hospodářské Noviny, one of the most popular online newspapers in Czech Republic.

The article (in Czech) is available here and in its full version here.

16 June 2023

The article Taiwan e l’allarme sulla disinformazione delle dittature (Taiwan and the alarm over the disinformation of dictatorships), published by L’Opinione della Libertà, is devoted to the event “Defending Democracy through Countering Disinformation”, which took place at the Italian Senate on June 13th, with the participation of Andrea Miconi, EUMEPLAT principal investigator and Professor at IULM University, as a speaker.

The article (in Italian) is available here.

14 June 2023

In the TV report Streaming europeo? (European streaming?), Pop News, an Italian all news television channel targeting youth, interviewed Andrea Miconi, EUMEPLAT principal investigator and Professor at IULM, on the project results related to the promotion and circulation of European works in the most famous video platforms. Some street interviews to students were also realized to catch their perceptions and opinions.

The video (in Italian) is available here.

14 June 2023

In the article Quadro globale cooperazione e formazione “Difendere democrazia contrastando disinformazione” (Global Framework Cooperation and Training “Defend democracy by fighting disinformation”) the Giornale Diplomatico, an Italian online newspaper focusing on Italian internal and foreign policy, retraces some of the main outocomes of the event “Defending Democracy through Countering Disinformation”, which took place at the Italian Senate on June 13th and counted among the speakers Andrea Miconi, EUMEPLAT principal investigator and Professor at IULM, coordinator of the project.

The article (in Italian) is available here.

13 June 2023

Radio Radicale has made available the recording of the event “Defending Democracy through Countering Disinformation”, organised on June 13th by the Global Cooperation and Training Framework at the Italian Senate. Professor Andrea Miconi from IULM University, EUMEPLAT principal investigator, was among the speakers to discuss about the possible solutions to tackle disinformation and fake news.

The article and the recording (in Italian) are available here.

13 June 2023

The Taiwanese media outlet The Liberty Times Net published the news 出席義大利參院假訊息研討會 羅秉成:中模仿俄散布疑美論 (Lo Ping-cheng at the Disinformation Symposium of the Italian Senate: China imitated Russia to spread Skepticism), focused on the participation of the Minister in the event “Defending Democracy through Countering Disinformation” held at the Italian Senate on June 13th and in which the EUMEPLAT principal investigator, Professor Andrea Miconi from IULM, took part.

The article (in Chinese) is available here.

24 May 2023

The Czech version of the European Journalism Observatory website has published the insights by Miloš Hroch from Charles University, taken from the academic article “Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation“ – Observatorio (OBS*), Vol. 17 No. 1 (2023).

The insights published on EJO Mohou existovat různé „Evropy“. Nejnovější výzkum ukazuje, jak složité je dnes být Evropanem (Different ‘Europes’ are possible. Latest research shows how complex it is today to be European) are available here. The insights in English are available here.

More details on the academic article “Bridging the Discursive and Material Dimensions of Europeanity and Europeanisation“ are available here.

4 and 6 March 2023

The European audiovisual market, the production and consumption trends and possible measures to face American hegemony, with key messages delivered by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, are highlighted in the article Εumeplat: Πόσο έτοιμη είναι η Ευρώπη για την εποχή της «πλατφορμοποίησης»; (Eumeplat: How ready is Europe for the “platformization” era?), published on Mononews (4th March) and Pagenews (6th March).

You can read the article (in Greek) here and here.

2 and 4 March 2023

Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, shares the some insights from WP1, and in particular the role of public television, in the article Eumeplat: Ποια η θέση της δημόσιας Τηλεόρασης στην εποχή των πλατφορμών; (Eumeplat: What is the position of public television in the age of platforms?), published on three online newspapers: NewsDesk (2nd March), PireasNow (2nd March) and Eleftherostypos (4th March).

You can read the article (in Greek) here, here and here.

22 February 2023

The main findings and results of the research work undertaken under WP1 are presented by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in the article Εumeplat: Οι νέες πλατφόρμες αποδομούν ή σφυρηλατούν την ευρωπαϊκή ταυτότητα; (Eumeplat: Are new platforms deconstructing or forging European identity?), published on the online newspaper Protothema.

You can read the article (in Greek) here.

27 October 2022

The contribution by Miguel Crespo, researcher at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, during the EUMEPLAT online workshop on “Media and Information Literacy: the Role of Academia and Media Experts”, is highlighted in the article Cidadãos partem das notícias dos jornalistas mas acrescentam-lhes informação (Citizens start from the news by journalists, but add information to them) published on Iberifer.

You can read the article (in Portuguese) here.

18 March 2022

Miguel Crespo, researcher at Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, talks about EUMEPLAT on 90 Segundos de Ciência, a radio programme aired on the Portuguese public broadcasters RTP and giving voice to the Portuguese researchers.

You can listen to the interview (in Portuguese) here.

11 November 2021

The EUMEPLAT project, its research questions, expected results and first outcomes are explained in the article by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in the article Ευρωπαϊκό ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα για τις πλατφόρμες των μέσων επικοινωνίας (European research programme on media platforms), published on the outlet Media Analysis.

You can read the article (in Greek) here.