Ethical Committee

Ivana Bartoletti is Technical Director - Privacy at Deloitte, and an internationally recognised thought leader in the field of responsible technology. Author of An Artificial Revolution, on Power, Politics and AI, she is a Visiting Policy Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. Bartoletti helps global organisations with their privacy by design programmes, and the privacy and ethical challenges relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data.
Ivana launched the Women Leading in AI Network in May 2018, an international lobby group of women advocating for responsible AI. The network‘s 2018 report garnered mass interest from tech leaders, international institutions, and the media. As an expert commentator and conference speaker, she appears frequently in the UK and European broadcast and print media. Bartoletti was named ’Woman of the Year‘ (2019) in the Cyber Security Awards in recognition of her growing reputation as an advocate for equality, privacy and ethics at the heart of tech and AI. Finally, she is Co-editor of the Fintech Circle’s AI Book on how AI is reshaping financial services.

Davide Bennato is Associate Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes, Sociology of Digital Media and Digital Sociology at the University of Catania, where he is Vice President of the Degree course in Science and Languages for Communication. He holds a degree in Sociology and a PhD in Communication Sciences, Advanced Research, Resource Management and Training Processes (2000) from La Sapienza University in Rome.
Founding member and former vice-president (2005-2008) of STS Italia - Società Italiana di Studi sulla Scienza e la Tecnologia, he is currently a member of the Scientific Council of the CINUM - Centro di Informatica Umanistica at the University of Catania, and member of the Doctorate in Complex Systems for Physical, Socio-economic and Life Sciences of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the same University.
His research interests are digital sociology, analysis of collective behaviours in social media, ethics of big data, relationship between technology and values, models of scientific and technological communication on the net. Bennato is also member of the Board of Auditors of several scientific journals.

Federico Neresini is Professor of Science, Technology, Media and Society at the University of Padua, where he also teaches Sociology of Innovation. He is a member of the Faculty of the Doctoral School of Research in “Social Sciences: Interactions, Communication, Cultural Construction” and Coordinator of the PaSTIS research Unit (Padova Science, Technology and Innovation Studies), as well as of the TIPS project (Technoscientific Issue in the Public Sphere). Graduated in Sociology, Neresini also obtained a PhD in Sociology and Social research at the University of Trento. He is a co-founder of STS-Italia (Italian Society of Social Studies on Science and Technology) and is a member of the scientific board of the journals “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia” and “Technoscienza”.
His main interests are in the field of science and technology studies (STS), focusing in particular on construction processes of scientific knowledge, public communication of science and social representations of science. His research activities have regarded biotechnologies, in vitro fertilisation, cloning and nanotechnologies. During the last years he is also addressing the relationships between big-data and scientific research activities, as well as the implications for the social sciences of the availability of large amounts of data through the web.
He published several articles in international journals - such as Nature, Science, PLOS ONE, Public Understanding of Science, Science Communication and New Genetics and Society – and some books.

Laura Palazzani is Professor of Philosophy of law and Biolaw at LUMSA University in Rome, where she’s been Full Professor since 2001. After graduating in Philosophy at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan), she was Visiting Researcher in Biomedical Ethics at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.) and later obtained a PhD in bioethics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome). Palazzani was Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the King’s College London (2013) and at Boston College (2015).
She is currently Vice President Vicar of the Italian Committee for Bioethics at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies at the European Commission for two mandates (2011-2021) and of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee since 2016. A member of scientific committees or editorial boards of several journals, she has carried out teaching activities in many training courses, national and international Master’s Degree Programmes and has participated as speaker in international conferences. In 2017, Palazzani was awarded the “Order of Merit of the Italian Republic”, bestowed by decree of the President of the Italian Republic. She published 15 books and over 250 articles both in Italian and other languages.