PANCOPOP Symposium 2023

Pandemic Communication and Populism

Loughborough University, UK

June 12-13, 2023

On June 13, Elisabetta Risi and Sara Cannizzaro from IULM University will take part in the PANCOPOP Symposium 2023 on Pandemic Communication and Populism at the Loughborough University.

During the Panel 5 “Crisis, journalism and media coverage”, from 2 to 3.30 pm (GMT+1), chaired by Professor Danilo Rothberg from the São Paulo University, Brazil, Dr. Risi and Dr. Cannizzaro will discuss the article News Platformisation and the Dimensions of Europeanization: the Italian case during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which explores the extent to which the platformisation of news offers the conditions to understand how public opinion concerning Europeanisation can be formed, particularly during moments of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Among the participants confirmed so far, there is also Professor Daniel Hallin, from the University of California San Diego and member of the EUMEPLAT Scientific Board, who will focus his intervention on Health Crisis Communication on June 12, 2023.

The PANCOPOP Symposium 2023 brings together scholars interested in the dynamics of health crisis communication and pandemic politics, with a particular focus on the impact of populist leaders and attitudes on the nature, dynamics and effectiveness of public communication processes.

The full schedule and the abstract of the article are available here.

To attend the symposium online, please register here.