Work Packages meeting, workshops and open lecture
IULM University, Rome
12th – 14th April 2023
From 12th to 14th April, the EUMEPLAT partners gathered in Rome, hosted by IULM University, for a meeting mainly devoted to the last results of the WP3 – Hegemony: Platformization of Video, with presentations of the national findings on the most used video platforms, the most watched contents and the best practices that came out from the research.
The meeting was also the occasion to discuss about the next steps concerning the WP4 – Exclusion: Platformization of Media Representations and to start the reflections within the Task Forces developed under the WP5 – Power: People and Platforms.
The partners had also the opportunity to assist to the contributions from three members of the EUMEPLAT Scientific Board.
On the first day, Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska from the University of Wroclaw, Poland and Zrinjka Peruško from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, offered their perspective and insights on the Eastern European media systems during an internal workshop chaired by Stylianos Papathanassopoulos from NKUA, partner of the EUMEPLAT project.
On the last day, Tiziana Terranova first contributed to the exchanges among the researchers around the scientific outcomes of the project and then delivered an Open Lecture on Platform governmentality and the network social at the Department of Communication and Social Research (CoRiS) of the Sapienza University of Rome.
Finally, the Rome meeting was also the occasion to organise another Delphi+ workshop with around 10 participants – external researchers and authors – discussing about future scenarios related to the European media landscape.
The agenda of the meeting is available here.