New deliverables out in February
Deliverable 2.2
Platformisation of News in 10 Countries
Authored by the ISCTE-IUL team, composed by Gustavo Cardoso, Cláudia Álvares, José Moreno, Rita Sepúlveda, Miguel Crespo, Caterina Foà, Mehmet Ali Uzelgun and Sofia Ferro Santos, the report responds to the research task (T2.2) aiming to assess how news about Europe and about the issues that more concern European citizens are produced and circulated on social media platforms.
Starting from the methodology developed in 2021 in the framework of the project (D2.1), the EUMEPLAT researchers have analysed a set of social media posts and videos to respond to the two main research questions:
- Which are the most relevant issues debated in social media platforms in Europe and how are European citizens debating about them?
- Which debate is taking place at the intersection of top-level professional and bottom-level non-professional communication on social media?
The report is divided into two parts, the first analysing and comparing the results in all the countries of the project, while the second part collects the ten national reports which offer an explanation of the country context and results.
Insights from the report are available here.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 3.4
Catalogue of Best Practices and Main Obstacles to Europeanisation
Andrea Miconi and Panos Kompatsiaris from IULM, Ioanna Archontaki from NKUA and Alessandro Galeazzi from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice have produced this report focusing on the connection between video platformization and Europeanization, based on both secondary analysis and first-hand data related to the ten countries involved in the project.
Many aspects are taken into account: the geo-blocking of content releasing in audiovisual production; the centrality of American and national products as a trend related to the consumption; piracy, as a negative externality of video platformization, and its relation with VODs; the European regulation of VOD services, with a focus on the so-called Netflix Tax.
Best-practices in the circulation and success of European movies and Tv-series are also presented to investigate if any pattern exists among these cases and if they can be considered emblematic of a common European culture.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 3.5
Video Data Clustering Report
As done for Work Package 1 on Europeanisation: Lessons from Media History, Alessandro Galeazzi and Fabiana Zollo from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, along with Andrea Miconi from IULM, have produced a deliverable aggregating the use of data coming from WP1 and WP3, respectively related to theatrical movie productions and admissions and to video-on-demand and video-sharing platforms.
Having worked on the same datasets already used for other deliverables (D1.3 – Patterns in Movie Production, Distribution and Consumption; D3.2 – Patterns in Video Production in Ten Countries; D3.3 – Patterns in Video Consumption in Ten Countries; D3.4 – Catalogue of Best Practices and Main Obstacles to Europeanization) the report is a synthetic deliverable, in the fullest sense: while historical and cultural trends are discussed in the reports above-mentioned, here all the data are put together and taken to a more abstract level, waiting for the figure to take its shape and reflecting on that form, and the main tendencies resulting from the reports are represented graphically.
Download the full deliverable here.