New results by the EUMEPLAT research team

Deliverable 2.3

Positive and Negative Externalities of News Platformization

The deliverable, authored by Andrea Miconi, EUMEPLAT principal investigator from IULM, and featuring the contributions of the researchers from the project partners, is divided into three main parts. The first one focuses on the concept of news platformization and introduces its externalities by means of a bibliographical review. The second one analyses some advanced solutions for countering the negative effects of platformization. The last one offers an empirical perspective to address the positive and negative externalities.

Download the full deliverable here.

Deliverable 2.4

Catalogue of Best Practices in Citizen Journalism

The ISCTE-IUL team has produced a comprehensive report aiming at:

  • understanding how citizens interact with journalism in Europe,
  • categorizing those interactions,
  • presenting a list of cases from different countries which can be considered as examples of best practices.

The report analysis the attitude of citizens in collaborating to the journalistic production, emulating the journalistic practices and using and reusing journalism on platforms. Some preliminary remarks on the concepts of journalism, citizen journalism and crowdsourcing journalism is also offered.

Download the full deliverable here.

Deliverable 2.5

Anti-European Fake News and What to do

The report, authored by Fabiana Zollo and Alessandro Galeazzi from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, quantitatively analyses news production and consumption of more than 25M tweets on European issues in the years 2019–2021 to identify the most debated topics and their engagement over time, as well as the presence of misinformation.

To shed light on anti-EU misinformation, the report uses the case study of Brexit and presents a technique to capture the polarisation of the public debate around controversial topics, studying the interaction patterns of more than 290k users.

The results offer a valuable contribution to the literature for the timely identification of potential misinformation targets and the development of appropriate and effective countermeasures.

Download the full deliverable here.

Deliverable 4.1

Methodological Guidelines

A Framework and Methodological Protocol for Work Package 4 – Analysing the Europeanisation and Platformization of Media Representations

Jim Ingebretsen Carlson, Thomas Niemejer, Valentina Latronico and Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva from the Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Andrea Miconi and Sara Cannizzaro from IULM University and Sofie van Bauwel and Femke de Sutter from Gent Universiteit have co-edited the deliverable, which provides methodological guidelines for work package 4, on media representations of the two critical issues of im/migration and gender.

The goal of WP4 is to provide an in-depth analysis of media narratives, aiming at detecting to what degree platformization  as  been changing the representation of gender and im/migration  in Europe. The specific focus will be on how  platformization affects the process of Europeanisation and how  Europe is represented through gender and im/migration.

Download the full deliverable here.