IAMCR 2022 / Communication Research in the Era of Neo-Globalisation: Reorientations, Challenges and Changing Contexts
Beijing, China, and online
11th – 15th July 2022
The IAMCR 2022 conference took place in Beijing and online from 11th to 15th July, devoted to “Communication Research in the Era of Neo-Globalisation: Reorientations, Challenges and Changing Contexts”.
1.142 Online Conference Papers and hundreds of presentations by authors in 86 countries were arranged in 263 sessions organised by 33 thematic Sections and Working Groups, among which one devoted to Mediated Communication, Public Opinion & Society (MPS).
Sara Cannizzaro and Andrea Miconi from IULM presented a paper on Europeanisation and media trust in the post-pandemic age of neo-globalization, which was discussed in the session MPS-1 – News consumption and trust along with other papers by scholars and academics from other international higher education and research centers.
The paper is available here.