EUMEPLAT work packages meeting

IULM University, Rome

12th-14th April 2023

From 12th to 14th April, IULM University will welcome the EUMEPLAT partners to discuss about the project achievements so far and the next steps to be undertaken.

On the first day, an internal workshop on Eastern European media systems, in the framework of WP1 and WP3, has been organised, while on the last day an EUMEPLAT Open Lecture will take place at Sapienza University of Rome on Platform governmentality and the network social.

The agenda is available here.

Focus on

April 12, 2023

2:30 – 5.30 pm CEST

Internal workshop on Eastern European media systems

with the participation of two members of the EUMEPLAT Scientific Board

Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska [University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw]

Zrinjka Peruško [University of Zagreb, Zagreb]

Chair: Stylianos Papathanassopoulos [National and Kapodistrian University, Athens]

April 14, 2023

2:30 – 4:30 pm

Platform governmentality and the network social

EUMEPLAT Open Lecture

Most critical assessment of platform-based modes of government and regulation emphasize the hegemony of economic rationalities – both at the level of the construction of the figure of the user as homo oeconomicus and at the level of the overall emphasis on the combination of functional stability and profit-oriented growth. The talk suggests that despite the apparent dominance of economic rationalities, the rise of platforms has also been accompanied by the recursive iteration of forms of knowledge, strategies of power and oppositional modes of consciousness that can be traced back to the rise of the modern social. The talk discusses as the “network social” that mode of the social that followed its decline in the late 1970s as a result of the neoliberal epistemological and political attack upon it. Neither network society nor social network, the network social involves the entwinement of computational modes of cognition (data, algorithms, AI) and informational modes of connection (network effects, small worlds, etc) which confront and shape the re-composition of oppositional modes of consciousness in platform cultures. 

Tiziana Terranova [Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Napoli]
Discussant: Nico Carpentier [Charles University, Prague]