Two new deliverables are out!
The EUMEPLAT research team issued two new deliverables: “Patterns in Movie Production, Distribution and Consumption” and “A Framework and Methodological Protocol for analyzing the platformization of news”, respectively under Work Package 1 “Europeanisation: Lessons from Media History” and Work Package 2 “Fake News: Platformization of Journalism”.
Deliverable 1.3
Patterns in Movie Production, Distribution and Consumption
The report, produced by Daniël Biltereyst and Eduard Cuelenaere from Ghent University and Andrea Miconi from IULM, aims at analysing the European movie market, with attention paid to American hegemony, to national productions, to positive cases of cross-European successes and European co-productions and data coming from movie box offices.
Insights from the report are available here.
Download the full deliverable here.
Deliverable 2.1
A Framework and Methodological Protocol for analyzing the platformization of news
The ISCTE-IUL team, Gustavo Cardoso, Cláudia Álvares, José Moreno, Rita Sepúlveda, Miguel Crespo and Caterina Foà, has designed a framework and methological guidelines for the study of how information about Europe and Europeans’ main concerns is published and debated on the main social media platforms in the 10 countries participating in the EUMEPLAT project. The research questions are: 1) Which are the most relevant issues in European media, and how are citizens debating about them?; and 2) Which debate is taking shape at the intersection of top-down [professional] and bottom-up [nonprofessional] communication in social media platforms, in the ten countries?
Download the full deliverable here.