EUMEPLAT partners gathered in Milan

IULM, coordinator of the H2020 EUMEPLAT project, hosted the first mid-term partners meeting in Milan and online from 14 to 16 September 2021.

The encounter was the occasion for the partners to present the state-of-the-art of the different Work Packages. The first day was devoted to WP1 – Europeanisation: Lessons from Media History. The first results of the research on the patterns in media production and consumption in the Northern-Western Europe, in the Nordic countries, in Eastern Europe and in Southern Europe were presented respectively by HBI, IKED, NBU and NKUA. The patterns in the European movie market were introduced by UGent while HBI offered an overview of the European media legislation. A roundtable on the definition of Europeanisation was chaired by Charles University and involved all partners in the brainstorming.

In the second day, the meeting focused on WP2 – Fake News: Platformization of Journalism, with ISCTE-IUL presenting the methodological framework for analyzing the platformization of news and the situation in the ten countries of the partnership and IKED highlighting the positive and negative externalities of news platformization.

In the afternoon, UOC and Charles University introduced the methodology, tasks and activities they will be implementing in the upcoming months respectively for WP4 – Exclusion: Platformization of Media Representations and WP5 – Power: People and Platforms.

On 16th September, NBU presented the WP3 – Hegemony: Platformization of Video and opened the discussion on which video platforms should be included in the research, while IKED introduced the positive and negative externalities related to video platformization. For each research Work Package, Cà Foscari University shared the methodology for data clustering and analysis.

In the upcoming months, each Work Package will organise dedicated meetings to carry on the activities foreseen.

More information available here.