EUMEPLAT Fifth Mid-Term meeting
22-24 November 2023
The fifth Mid-Term meeting was organised in Lisbon by ISCTE-IUL from 22 to 24 November, just after the EUMEPLAT International Conference “Gendered Cultures in Platform Economies: Entertainment, Expertise and Online Selfhood”.
The project partners had the opportunity to exchange around the recommendations developed under WP5 – Power: People and Platforms, to be finalised in the upcoming weeks.
The results of the quantitative analysis, with regard to the intersectionality between gender and migration carried out under the WP4 – Exclusion: Platformization of Media Representations, were presented and discussed.
The partners made also an assessment on the communication and scientific dissemination efforts, as well as on the plans for publications to be issued in the future. A session devoted to the dataset issued from the research work packages was also organised in view of publishing them on the EUMEPLAT Community on Zenodo.